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Deaths registered at Hay (1859 to 1862)
(Balranald Registration District)

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This page lists deaths registered at Hay from 1859 to 1862, the first few years of official settlement of the township.  The Police Magistrate, Henry Shiell, arrived in Hay in late May 1859, and the first registration of a death occurred in September.  Mr. Charles A. Sinclair was the first Clerk of Petty Sessions at Hay.  Many of the deaths in this early period were of single men, perhaps working as drovers, carriers, or shepherds and stockmen on surrounding pastoral runs.  The Hay district at this time was very much a frontier, with few women and children.  Drownings and other accidental deaths were common.  The following list serves a two-fold purpose:
  • to provide information for historical and family research
  • as a stimulus and focus for further research.

  • We encourage anyone able to identify or provide further information about any person on this list to contact the Hay Historical Society.
    The information below was compiled from a wide variety of sources, including newspapers, published burial records & other published sources (on-line & print).  All deaths listed below were registered at Hay, unless otherwise stated.  Use your browser's "Find" facility to search for a particular name.

    James WILLIAMS (born in 1804), a Shepherd, died on 10 September 1859, aged 55 years.  He was buried at "Lang's Crossing-Place" (Hay).

    Richard LETHGOW (born in 1810), a Shepherd, died on 2 October 1859, aged 49 years.  He was buried on "Illilawa" station.

    George DONELEY (born in 1833) the son of George Doneley & Isabella (née Tyson), died on 10 October 1859, aged 26 years.  He was buried on "Ditormala" station.  George Doneley was related by marriage to the Tyson brothers, well-known pastoralists.  George Doneley's older sister Ann had married Francis James Shiel, the brother of Peter Tyson's wife, Margaret Tyson (née Shiel).

    Henry SULLIVAN (born in 1833), a Bullock Driver, drowned on 12 October 1859, aged 26 years.  He was buried on "Mungadal" station.
    A man drowned on the night of the 12th when crossing the river to Mungadal [station] in a bark canoe with two companions.  Under the excitement of having drunk too freely after the auction sale, Henry Sullivan, a bullock driver, disappeared without trace when the canoe capsized. (Sydney Morning Herald, 25 October 1859)

    Stephen FROST (born c. 1809-19) died on 24 October 1859, age estimated to be 40 to 50 years.  Unknown body found, ascertained to be old Steve (Cook?) at Waljeers.  He was buried at "Langs Crossing-Place" (Hay).

    Thomas BUDD (born in 1824) died on 26 October 1859, aged 35 years.  He was buried on "Hyandra" station.

    Thomas TEGO (born in 1809), a Shepherd, died on 27 October 1859, aged 50 years.  He was buried on "Tupra" station.

    Richard BURNS (born in 1821) died on 29 October 1859, aged 38 years.  He was buried at "Tyson Place".

    Sarah BURKE (born in 1859, possibly at Hay), the daughter of John & Mary Burke, died as an infant on 17 November 1859.  She was buried on "Illilawa" station.

    John BURNS (born in 1830) died on 19 November 1859, aged 29 years.  He was buried at Hay.

    Thomas PATTERSON (or PATERSON) (born in 1827) died on 20 November 1859, aged 32 years.  He was buried at Hay.

    William John COLEMAN (or COLMAN) (born in 1824) died on 22 November 1859, aged 35 years.  He was buried on Joseph Dunn's (station?) on the Darling River.

    Samuel HORSBURGH (born in 1832) died on 19 December 1860, aged 28 years.  He was buried at "Tyson Place".

    George WARD (born in 1817) died on 10 January 1860, aged 43 years.  He was buried at "Lachlan Plain"

    William CARTER (born in 1815) died on 18 January 1860, aged 45 years.  He was buried on "Parra" station.

    Andrew FARRANTINE (born in 1824), a Carpenter, "died Murrumbidgee" (drowned?) on 25 January 1860, aged 36 years.  He was buried at "Mungadal" station.

    David DENNY (born in 1825), a Squatter, the son of John & Margaret Denny, died after falling from his horse on 30 January 1860, aged 35 years.  He was buried at "Cowl Cowl" station.
    It seems likely that David Denny's body was re-interred in the Moama cemetery.  His grave at Moama (CE U/26) is enclosed by an iron fence and has a headstone with the following inscription: "DAVID DENNY - A SETTLER AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - WHO WAS ACCIDENTLY KILLED BY A FALL FROM HIS HORSE ON 30th DAY OF JAN. 1860, AGED 35 YEARS. THIS WAS ERECTED BY HIS AFFECTIONATE WIFE EMILY."  The headstone has a circular carved motif above the inscription, featuring a willow tree behind a broken column.  The weeping-willow signifies grief and loss and the truncated column denotes an untimely death, a life-span shortened unexpectedly.  [Source: Moama Cemetery: Australian History Localised, 1857 - 1899, Vol. 1 by Moama Cemetery Management Committee (2001)]

    Margaret Eliza DORWARD (born in 1859, possibly at Hay), daughter of George Dorward & Ann (née Haxton), died as an infant on 3 February 1860.  She was buried at Hay.

    (Male infant) WILSON (born in 1860 in NSW) the son of George & Anne Wilson, died as an infant on 4 March 1860.  He was buried on "Nimmie" station.  [see also # 2346 (1862)].

    Mary Ann HAZLEWOOD (born in 1859) the daughter of John & Mary A. Hazlewood, died as an infant on 20 March 1860.  She was buried at Balranald.

    James RETFORD (born c. 1824) died on 28 March 1860, aged 36 years.  He was buried at Hay.

    Henry Francis TYSON, the son of Peter Tyson & Margaret (née Shiel), died as an infant on 31 March 1860.  He was buried on "Tyson's Station".

    John LYNCH (born in 1797) died on 10 April 1860, aged 63 years.  He was buried on "Tarara" ("Tararie") station, Balaranald.

    Thomas LANCASTER (born in 1805) died on 25 April 1860, aged 55 years.  He was buried at "Yanga Lake, south Balranald".

    Patrick SMITH (born in 1807) died on 29 May 1860, aged 53 years.  He was buried on "Kiacatoo" station.

    (Male) JOHNSTONE (born in 1777) "died Murrumbidgee" (drowned?) on 7 August 1860, aged 83 years.  He was buried at Hay.

    Alexander GRAFTON (born in 1830 in Germany?) drowned in the Lachlan river on 27 September 1860 at "Tupruck" station, aged 30 years. "A blackfellow dived for the body" (Pastoral Times, 12 October 1860).

    Unknown Male, "died Murrumbidgee" in 1860. [A man was found drowned at Budgee Budgee Creek, 30 km west of Lang's Crossing-Place (Hay) - Sydney Morning Herald, 6 December 1860].  There was a later report of another body, with identifying papers, being found at Budgee Budgee Creek (SMH, 16 December 1860).

    Matthew McMAHON, a Shepherd (age unknown), died in November 1860; he was "supposed to have lost himself on the plains where he died".  McMahon's body was found by Henry N. Loughnan (Squatter of "Burrabogie"), about 15 miles from the river, on "Burrabogie" station.  McMahon was buried by Loughnan on 28 December 1860 at the spot where he was found.

    John NORTON (born in 1825), Police Constable & Lock-up Keeper at Hay, drowned on 5 December 1860 at Hay, aged 35 years.  He was buried at Hay.
    The Lockup-keeper at Lang's Crossing-Place, Norton, about ten days ago whilst not in very sober state, left his quarters at night with a candle in his hand and has not been heard of since.  It is imagined he may have walked into the Murrumbidgee. (Sydney Morning Herald, 25 December 1860)
    The body of Police Constable Norton was found in the river after the Albury had passed up, the disturbance caused by the paddlewheels probably caused the body to be freed from submerged snags. (SMH, 8 January 1861)

    Samuel McKENZIE (born in 1818), a Drover, died on 25 December 1860, aged 42 years.  He was buried on "Conong" station (Corrong or Toorong?).
    Samuel McKenzie, a drover, committed suicide on "Coonung" Station after a heavy drinking bout in Lang's [Crossing-Place]. He was known in the district as "Long Tom" and took his life by cutting his own throat. (Sydney Morning Herald, 8 January 1861)

    Walter Henry RANDELL (born in 1859), the son of Elliott Charles Randell & Eliza (née Smith), died on 2 January 1861, aged 2 years, & was buried in the old Hay cemetery.

    Edward ROSET (born in 1862) the son of Edward & Bridget Roset, died on 11 February 1861, aged 9 years.  He was buried at Booligal.

    Mary Ann CONNELL (born in 1859) the daughter of Patrick & Mary Ann Connell, died on 4 March 1861, aged 2 years.  She was buried at Booligal.

    Robert CONNELL (born in 1854) the son of Patrick & Mary Ann Connell, died on 12 March 1861, aged 7 years.  He was buried at Booligal.  Patrick & Mary Ann Connell seem to have settled at Forbes after the deaths of their two children at Booligal.  [Births registered at Forbes: Eliza A. (1864); Charles (1866); Margaret (1868); Patrick George (1873)].

    Joseph WARDLE (born in 1831) died on 6 April 1861, aged 30 years, & was buried in the old Hay cemetery.
    One of the last persons interred [in the first cemetery at Hay] was in the employ of Mr. Austin, the pound-keeper. (Recollections of Lang's Crossing-Place No. IV, Riverina Grazier, 29 March 1884)

    George HALL (born in 1819) died on 11 May 1861 at Booligal, aged 42 years.  He was buried at Booligal.

    Albert MYERS (born in 1859, possibly at Hay), the son of Jacob Myers & Drusilla (née Simpson), died on 24 May 1861, aged 2 years, and was buried on the same day in the old Hay cemetery.

    William TOLLARD (born in 1829) died on 11 July 1861, aged 32 years, & was buried in the old Hay cemetery.

    Michael KENNEDY (born in 1841) the son of Michael & Esther Kennedy, died on 12 July 1861, aged 20 years, & was buried in the old Hay cemetery.

    Margaret HAXTON (born c. 1829-30), the eldest daughter of Peter Haxton & Anne (née Clark) (of Pickeltillem, Fifeshire, Scotland), died on 30 July 1861, aged about 31 years.  She was buried in the old Hay cemetery.

    James DAWSON (born in 1793) died on 19 August 1861, aged 68 years, & buried in the old Hay cemetery.

    Mary Jane LEDWIDGE (born in 1855) the daughter of John Ledwidge & Julia (née Ahearn), died on 24 August 1861, aged 6 years.  She was buried at Hay.
    There were some bodies removed [to the new cemetery] that I know of:  the late Jno. Ledwidge's two children for instance... (Letter from 'Old Resident', Riverine Grazier, 7 November 1883)

    (Dr.) William Leahy ECHLIN (born in 1812), first Medical Practitioner at Hay, died on 27 October 1861, aged 49 years, & buried in the Hay cemetery. He was recorded as the son of William Echlin.
    The first interment in the present cemetery was that of the body of the late Dr. Echlin, who died in October 1861, and who was the first medical gentleman in Hay.  He was buried in the wrong place and had to be lifted again.  I was present at the second interment. (Letter from 'Old Resident', Riverine Grazier, 7 November 1883)

    James DICKSON (born c. 1829) "died Sydney" (? perhaps "born") on 1 November 1861 (registered at Hay), aged "about 32 years".  He was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    John LISCOMBE (born in 1832 in the Abercrombie district, Bathurst, NSW) of "Nap Nap" station, son of John Liscombe & Nancy (née Beenwell), died on 8 November 1861, aged 29 years.  He was buried in the Hay cemetery (Church of England).

    Joseph CLARKSON (born in 1837) a resident of Hay, died on 19 December 1861 in Deniliquin Hospital, aged 24 years.  His death was registered at Deniliquin.

    Thomas DISHER (baptised on 31 August 1821 at Edinburgh, Scotland), son of Robert Disher and Jean (née Eccles), died on 28 January 1862 at Ecclesbank (near Hay), aged 41 years.

    James Arthur BIRCHILL (born in 1854) the son of John & Elizabeth Birchill, died on 6 February 1862, aged 8 years.  He was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    Joseph PIKE (born in 1806) died on 10 March 1862, aged 56 years.  He was buried at Maude.

    Caroline BUTTERWORTH (née MOORE, born in 1823, probably in London), Milliner of Hay, daughter of William M. & Elizabeth Moore and the wife of George Butterworth, died on 17 March 1862, aged 38 years, after giving birth to a son on 15 March [refer # 2350 (1862)].  She was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    Barbara MANLY (born in 1862 in NSW) the daughter of Richard & Maria Manly, died as an infant on 21 March 1862 & was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    George GULLIDGE (born in 1824) the son of Henry & Jane Gullidge, died on 2 May 1862 on the Old Man Plain, between Hay and Deniliquin, aged 38 years [Pastoral Times, 9 May 1862, 3(3)].  He was buried at "Mungadal" station.

    Nicholas TRENSEY (born in 1802) died on 27 May 1862, aged 60 years.  He was buried on "Eli Elwah" station.

    Michael MAINE (or MAHONEY) (born in 1829) died in 1862, aged 33 years (details "unknown").  He was buried at "Maloney Plains".

    Francis Napier PALMER (born in 1835), the son of Gideon & Mary Palmer and the brother of Matthew Palmer, drowned on 15 June 1862, aged 27 years [Pastoral Times, 20 June 1862, 3(2)] . He was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    Emily BERESFORD (born in 1862, registered at Balranald), the daughter of William Henry Beresford & Mary Ann Parmelier (née Carr), died as an infant on 2 July 1862 & was buried in Hay cemetery.

    Margaret BURKE (née MacKINLAY) died on 3 July 1862.  She was buried on "Tupruck" station.

    Joseph FARMER (born in 1822) died on 7 July 1862, aged 40 years, and was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    Elizabeth LE SUEUR (born in 1843) the daughter of Joshua & Caroline Le Sueur, died on 21 July 1862, aged 19 years.  She was buried on "Nimmie" station.

    George WILSON (born in 1862 in NSW) the son of George & Anne Wilson, died as an infant on 24 July 1862.  He was buried on "Nimmie" station.  [see also # 3111 (1860)].

    Samuel ASHMORE (born in 1827) died on 8 September 1862, aged 35 years (details "unknown").  He was buried on "Thelangerin" station.

    John McBEAN (born in 1834) died on 27 September 1862, aged 28 years, & was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    Unknown Male, died in 1862 (details "unknown").

    Alexander Finch BUTTERWORTH (born on 15 March 1862 at Hay) the son of George Butterworth & Caroline (née Moore), died as an infant on 5 November 1862 & was buried in Hay cemetery.

    Edward BAKER (born in 1825) died on 8 November 1862, aged 37 years, & was buried on 10 November 1862 on "Burrabogie" station.

    Patrick McSHEAN (born in 1810) died on 11 November 1862, aged 52 years.  He was buried on "Uardry" station.

    Alice Louise LORD (born in 1857) the daughter of David & Margaret Lord, died on 14 November 1862, aged 5 years.  She was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    Amelia WILKINSON (born in January 1861) the daughter of John & Mary A. Wilkinson, died on 8 December 1862, aged 22 months.  She was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    James BYRNE (born in 1821) the son of Bryan & Emelia Byrne, died on 20 December 1862, aged 41 years.  He was buried in the Hay cemetery.

    James ADAIR (born in 1827), a Seaman, the son of Donald & Jessie Adair, died on 31 December 1862, aged 35 years (death registered in 1863).  He was buried in the Hay cemetery.  James Adair was the brother of Donald Adair, a police constable stationed at Hay.

    The Secretary
    Hay Historical Society Inc.
    P.O. Box 467
    HAY NSW 2711

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