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Hay & district   :   Local & Family History
History Pages

Contemporary Accounts
Lists & Indexes
Aspects of Society
Biographies of Key Pioneers
District villages

  • Photographs sought to complete a display of former Mayors and Shire Presidents of Hay.
  • Biographies of Key Pioneers

  • Henry LEONARD    (c. 1828 - 1873)

  • Thomas SIMPSON    (c. 1835 - 1903)

    Contemporary Accounts
    This section has contemporary articles of local historical interest, from newspapers and journals of the time.

  • Mr. Bagot's Overland Trip to South Australia  (published in 1847) - vivid account of a cattle-drive through the Riverina, with details of early squatting activity.

  • Hay Sesquicentenary Web-log – month-by-month accounts of the early settlement of Hay and surrounding district (from newspaper reports and other sources).  [Final upload – December 1859].

  • A Tour to the South (1872) - seven consecutive articles from Town & Country Journal about the township of Hay & surrounding pastoral runs.

  • 'From Narandera to Hay' and 'Hay' (1881) - two consecutive articles from Town & Country Journal about a journey by coach from Narrandera to Hay and details of Hay township.

  • Events at Hay during the 1894 shearers' strike - newspaper reports from the Riverine Grazier and Sydney Morning Herald (late August 1894).

  • A report of the unveiling of the Boer War Memorial at Hay on 6 May 1903 (and associated accounts) - from the Riverine Grazier.
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    Lists & Indexes
    This section contains a number of indexes and data collections of interest to family history researchers, arranged chronologically.

  • Deaths registered at Hay - 1859 to 1862

  • List of Justices of the Peace (1864 - Riverina region) - published in the Pastoral Times on 6 August 1864.

  • The New South Wales Official Post Office Directory for 1867 - entry for Hay township.

  • 1869-70 Electoral Roll for the eastern portion of the Oxley Police District within the Balranald Electoral District (including the districts surrounding Booligal, Mossgiel, Maude, Pine Ridge and Hay).

  • Unclaimed Letters at the Hay Post Office - index compiled from the Hay Standard newspaper, November 1871 to July 1873.

  • List of ninety-seven 'special constables' sworn in at Hay during the 1894 shearers' strike.

  • Enrolment numbers and expenditure for schools in the western Riverina in 1901.

  • List of land-holders of Hay and surrounding districts, printed in the Riverine Grazier of 27 May 1902, represented those "entitled to vote at the election of the Rabbit Board for the Hay Rabbit District".

  • List of subscribers to the Boer War Memorial at Hay, printed in the Riverine Grazier from June 1901 to May 1903.

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    Articles about aspects of the history of Hay and district.

  • 'Stock Crossing-places and Punt Sites: River Crossings at Lang's Crossing-place' by Ian Beissel

  • Archived Hay Historical Society web-site newsletters.

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    Aspects of Society:
    This section contains material on various aspects of society.


  • Biographical details of Wesleyan/Methodist ministers at Hay (to 1901).

  • Historical accounts of Riverina Presbyterian parishes from the Centenary History of the Presbyterian Church in New South Wales (published in 1905).
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    District villages:
    This section contains material specific to the villages in the district surrounding Hay.

    Booligal, Booroorban (Pine Ridge), Carrathool, Gunbar, Maude, Mossgiel and Oxley

  • 'Doctors at Booligal' (an article published in the first HHS web-site mail-group newsletter).

  • A collection of material regarding Gunbar village and the surrounding district, including a brief history of Gunbar village, and the article 'A Rising Settlement' from Town & Country Journal (1887).
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