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This web-log was created to celebrate the sesquicentenary of the settlement of Hay township (known as Lang's Crossing-place up to 1859).  Published reports and other sources will be utilised for the purpose of describing events at the emerging township and surrounding district as they happened 150 years ago.  Updates will appear on a month-by-month basis, parallel with the events of the time.  Eventually it is envisaged that these accounts will constitute a progressive narrative describing the genesis of Hay township.
An important source of information about Lang's Crossing-place in the early years of settlement was a series of correspondent's reports from the 'Lower Murrumbidgee' published in the Sydney Morning Herald.  The 'Lower Murrumbidgee' correspondent was George Boase, a native of county Devon in England.  In August 1855 Boase obtained a position with the squatter Thomas D'Archy, as tutor to D'Archy's children at "Gelam" station (between Balranald and Lang's Crossing-place on the Murrumbidgee River).  In 1856 he began submitting articles to the Sydney Morning Herald, which were published regularly under the title "Lower Murrumbidgee [from our correspondent]".
1857  –  July  §  August  §  September  §  December
1858  –  January  §  February  §  March  §  April  §  May  §  June  §  July  §  August  §  September  §  October  §  November  §  December
1859  –  January  §  February  §  March  §  April  §  May  §  June  §  July  §  August  §  September  §  October  §  November  §  December
Satellite view of Hay          Early map of Hay (1859)
A satellite view of Hay.          
             An early map of Hay township, prepared in late 1859, showing allotment details from the first land sale at Hay in October 1859.  In addition this map retains features (such as tracks and early buildings) from an earlier map of Lang's Crossing-place prepared by Surveyor Adams in late 1858.

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